Management of Non Biodegradable Waste (NBW)

By virtue of our activities, we directly encouraged and increased the importation of mostly non-biodegradable goods into the country. Non-biodegradable waste has adverse effects on our environment (water and soil integrity) posing a threat to food security and thus the human body.
It is then our social corporate responsibility to clean up our mess. In that regard, Muyang runs an environmental protection project by assembling and recycling non-biodegradable waste with our main focus on e-waste.
Customers or non-customers with e-waste (laptops, TVs, printers, radios, etc) should bring them to our weighing centers. In exchange for the waste, we’ll provide coupons that are redeemable on the Muyang marketplace.

Weight of E-waste (in Kg) Coupon Value (in FCFA)
2 - 5 200
6 - 15 400
16 - 30 900
31 - 60 1900
61 - 100 2200

Contact to be directed to the nearest weighing center in your neighborhood.